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"Developing the Limitless Potential inside Every Student"
Spring BreakOut Kids Day!
March 8th 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Ages 3-10, $17 Participation Fee

Who: Any children ages 3-10
What: The Spring BreakOut Kids Day will be filled with lots of creative fun! We will dance, tumble, create a craft, and have a snack. Please note any food allergies in your registration.
Where: Vera Academy of Dance & Gymnastics, 203 South Main Street, Shawano
When: March 8, 2025, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Why: Give the kiddos something fun to do while Mom and Dad are shopping the Shawano Downtown Spring BreakOut event:
How: Pre-Register Here:
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